After Sales Service

SBA ensures that our valued clients continue to receive a high level of customer service and technical support upon completion of their attachment. 

   Dedicated Shears

The Arden Dedicated Shear is designed for the demolition of concrete or steel structures. Available to come with 1 of several jaws this is capable to be used in a variety of environments. The jaws on this are not interchangeable but some of the jaws can be used both in the primary and secondary stage of demolition. This attachment can be used with the concrete shear, concrete crusher, perimeter cut jaw, concrete scrap jaw, scrap shear or cutter.


  • 360-degree rotation
  • Anti-abrasion and High Elastic Limit steel
  • 2 inverted cylinders that are fully protected
  • Adaptable for excavators from 13 to 70 tons
  • Cheaper than universal shears but just as effective

After Sales Service

SBA ensures that our valued clients continue to receive a high level of customer service and technical support upon completion of their attachment. 


Explore Our Range

Hydraulic Grab

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Demolition Beam

[dica_divi_carousel show_items_desktop="1" show_items_tablet="1" loop="on" autoplay="on" autoplay_speed="3500" arrow_nav="on" dot_nav="on" advanced_effect="1" arrow_nav_color="#E41C39" arrow_bg_color="RGBA(255,255,255,0)" dots_color="#E41C39"...

Mini Blue

[dica_divi_carousel show_items_desktop="1" show_items_tablet="1" loop="on" advanced_effect="1" arrow_nav_color="#E41C39" arrow_bg_color="RGBA(255,255,255,0)" dots_color="#E41C39" dots_active_color="#000000" _builder_version="4.27.0" _module_preset="default"...